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  • Where do referrals come from?
    Currently HFWA referrals come solely from Children’s Services (CS). Families/youth need to have status with CS to access HFWA services. Ask your caseworker about a referral to our program.
  • Who is the facilitator?
    The facilitator is an agency staff (from McMan, Enviros, or Hull Services) who will guide you through the process of Wraparound. The facilitator remains neutral, will listen without judgment, and leads team-based planning by building on the strengths of the group.
  • How long is this process?
    For many people referred to the wraparound program the process lasts 6-18 months. It is preferred that you will be open for 6 months to create solid planning. As more and more needs are being met, your team will meet less frequently and begin to focus on transitioning out of wraparound.
  • What is a Strengths, Needs, and Culture Discovery (SNCD)?"
    The Strengths, Needs, and Culture Discovery is one of the most important parts of Wraparound. It is your “story”. The facilitator will gather information on different life areas to get a better understanding of your strengths, culture, and needs. The facilitator will also gather information from the people who know you well and care about you. The SNCD is a fluid document that changes as you change and reflects your current situation.
  • Is the process voluntary?
    Yes. You can withdraw from Wraparound at any time after you have engaged with the facilitator. You have the right to decide if Wraparound is the best fit for you.
  • What exactly are my choices?
    The point of wraparound is to involve families and youth as much as possible in the choices and planning that affect their lives. In Wraparound you will: 1. help pick and guide your support team. 2. create your plan with input from team members. 3. include activities and interests in your plan that you like.
  • Who is my team and when do I get one?
    The team should be comprised of people you choose. It should include formal services that you might be involved with (i.e. case worker, probation officer, school, etc.) as well as people who you consider a support to you personally (aunt, coworker, faith leader, neighbor, friend, etc.). You will be asked to start thinking about who you want on your team when you first meet your facilitator. A team should consist of 6-8 people.
  • Is a team necessary?
    Yes, a team is necessary. It increases the options that you have to choose from and helps in the responsibility of certain tasks. If you cannot think of anyone to be on your team your facilitator will help you think of people.
  • I'm a caseworker, what can I expect?"
    When you make a referral to HFWA your client will be placed on the collaborative waitlist and picked up by the agency with the next available spot. Our practice is client-centered, strengths-based, and works seamlessly with Signs of Safety and 3-5-7 models of practice. The facilitator will support the youth or family with addressing Children Services’ concerns, by creating a team of natural and professional supports and making individualized plans to address those concerns. We are available to consult if you are considering Wraparound as a referral; contact Christen for more information (403-207-2540).

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