High Fidelity Wraparound (HFWA) strives to create life-long connections for our youth and families. We support children, youth and families to create a team of people who help them in meeting their goals. Teams are made up of natural supports like family, friends, and community members, as well as formal supports such as school, justice, and mental health support providers.
The HFWA collaborative in Calgary, Alberta, is made up of a partnership between McMan, Enviros, Hull Services and Calgary and Area Children’s Services. We consist of a group of facilitators, coaches, and trainers who adhere to the model of High Fidelity Wraparound as outlined by Vroon Vandenberg as well as connection building through the Family Finding model outlined by Seneca Family of Agencies.
At this time, our work is solely done with individuals and families who are involved with Children’s Services.
Where Teams Make a Difference!